International Conference of Local Wisdom (Incolwis) 2022
Theme: “Local Culture and Power“
23-25 September 2022 - Surakarta, Indonesia
Every nation has local wisdom which is the hallmark of the different marks (icons) of a nation from the others. As a marker, different local wisdom can be reflected in the forms of mindset, pattern of action, and patterns of local wisdom products. Mindset is a way of life of a nation in coping with various phenomena of life. The patterns of action is the realization of mindset in the forms of human behaviors. The last are the material works that represent the previous two (mindset and patterns of action).
For local wisdom to be recognized worldwide, it needs to be explored, studied, and published globally (local to global). The globalization/spread of local wisdom to the other world is expected to provide an interaction space among its owners. In addition, the interaction of local wisdom is expected to contribute to the implementation of basic human values in the interaction with God, human, and nature.
Abstract Submission Deadline Batch 1: 1 September 2022
Abstract Submission Deadline Batch 2: 20 September 2022
Payment Deadline: 21 September 2022
Full Paper Submission Deadline: 21 September 2022
Conference Day: 23-25 September 2022
International Proceedings Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR) published by Atlantis Press will be submitted to be indexed by Web of Science (WoS)